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900 people from more than 60 countries registered for the 3rd European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa and the final meeting of the XF-ACTORS project. The event was held online from 26 April to 30 April 2021 and was organised by EFSA and XF-ACTORS with the active contribution of the major EU and transnational research initiatives tackling X. fastidiosa: BIOVEXO, CURE-XF, ERC MultiX, EUPHRESCO, EUROXANTH, and Life Resilience.

The overall objective of the conference was to take stock of the results from research that has taken place since X. fastidiosa was first detected in Europe in 2013.

The conference sessions gave an opportunity to present and discuss the latest findings, data and knowledge on X. fastidiosa as a pathosystem, including:

  • Pathogen biology, ecology and genetics;
  • Epidemiology and modelling of X. fastidiosa diseases;
  • Host plant interactions and the search for resistant/tolerant germplasm;
  • Surveillance and early detection tools;
  • Vector biology and control;
  • Endophytic microbial resources and their potential applications for X. fastidiosa control;
  • Sustainable management strategies for prevention and reduction of the impact of X. fastidiosa diseases.

The programme included presentations and discussions on the above topics, followed by Q&A sessions. The latter resulted in an engaging dialogue among the participants, the speakers, as well as EFSA and XF-Actors staff.

The speakers’ presentations, the video recordings, the book of abstracts and the list of posters are available on the EFSA website