Consider joining the network
Providing plant health diagnostic services in Australasia can be challenging, particularly given the array of host plants, shrinking resources and the heightened risk from increased trade and travel.
These challenges are more effectively dealt with when Australasian plant biosecurity diagnosticians are working cooperatively in a network. If you would like to contribute to this network, consider becoming a member.
Are you eligible to join?
To be eligible to join the network you must be an active plant diagnostician employed within Australasia by a government agency, a research institution-based laboratory, a commercial laboratory or a museum.
The network invites all plant diagnosticians to become members, including: entomologists, general plant pathologists, virologists, phytoplasmologists, bacteriologists, molecular biologists, mycologists, nematologists, botanists and weed scientists.
Benefits to you
- connect with other diagnosticians for assistance and advice
- improve your awareness by being able to take advantage of opportunities to enhance your expertise in plant diagnostics through various professional development activities
- easily access and share insights on a range of tools and resources.
Benefits to Australian plant diagnostics
An integrated, national network has numerous benefits, including:
- identification and reduction of unnecessary duplication of effort through networked diagnostic capability and capacity
- removal of impediments that currently restrict open multi-jurisdictional interactions through the development of standard operating procedures and agreements
- identification and development of responses to emerging risks and gaps to diagnostic services that may be recognised by practicing diagnosticians and diagnostic managers across the biosecurity continuum
- provision to deliver seamless surge capacity during outbreaks
- increased information flow through the use of contemporary IT and secure social network services
- promotion of delivery of education and training for plant diagnosticians.
Before you join, please check with your supervisor.