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Laboratory Directory

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Diagnostic capability



Australian Capital Territory

National Collections Facility, Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC), Canberra CSIRO Insect, Nematode, Mite identification Entomology, Nematology, Acarology
National Collections Facility, Australian National Herbarium, Canberra CSIRO Fungal identification Fungi
Ecosystem Sciences, Canberra CSIRO Bee pathogens
Ecosystem Sciences, Canberra CSIRO Fungal identification

New South Wales

Agricultural Scientific Collections Unit, Orange Agricultural Institute, Orange New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Invertebrates and pathogens, specialist insect and mite identification (mycology and entomology) NATA accreditation (ISO/IEC 17025:2005) Fungal, bacterial and insects
Australian Cotton Research Institute, Narrabri New South Wales Department of Primary Industries / CSIRO Cotton pathology (e.g. mycology, virology, bacteriology)
Australian Museum, Sydney Australian Museum Entomology
Operational Science Department of Agriculture, Crewe Place, Rosebery Australian Government Department of Agriculture Pest and disease identification, collection and rearing of immature stages of arthropods, pathology investigation to determine causal agent Entomology
CSIRO Cotton Research Unit, Narrabri CSIRO Entomology
Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute, Menangle New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Invertebrates and pathogens (virology, bacteriology and mycology) NATA accreditation (ISO/IEC 17025:2005)
Forest Health Management Laboratory, West Pennant Hills New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Internal routine diagnostics
Grafton Agricultural Research and Advisory Station, Grafton Insect pests
Macleay Museum, Sydney University of Sydney Entomology
Plant Quarantine Station, Eastern Creek Australian Government Department of Agriculture Plant pathogen screening, stone fruit, pome fruit, citrus, grape, clonal grasses and ornamentals. Virus elimination in citrus. Fungal testing of animal feeds and corn based products. Lucerne seed testing for fungal pathogens. Wash water testing of imported cereal seed for open post-entry quarantine
Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) New South Wales Plant pathogens using both classical and molecular methods
Tamworth Agricultural Institute, Tamworth New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Invertebrates and pathogens (entomology, plant pathology broadacre crops)
The Cereal Rust Laboratory, Cobbitty University of Sydney, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Rust pathology
Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute, Wagga Wagga Charles Sturt University (CSU), New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Plant pathology, nematode identification
Yanco Agricultural Institute, Yanco New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Invertebrates and pathogens (vegetables and rice pathology)

Northern Territory

Herbarium, Flora and Fauna Division, Department of Land Resource Management (DLRM), Palmerston Northern Territory Department of Land Resource Management Plant identification for general public and commercial purposes Registration for exchange (export and import) of scientific specimens Native plant collection of the NT
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (DPIF) Entomology Laboratory, Berrimah Agricultural Laboratories, Berrimah Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries Insects and mites Not accredited The Northern Territory Economic Insect Reference Collection
DPIF Plant Pathology Laboratory, Berrimah Agricultural Laboratories, Berrimah Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries Plant pathology, virology, bacteriology, PCR, mycology, diagnostics Not accredited Darwin Northern Australian Plant Pathology Herbarium
Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) Regional Laboratory, Darwin Australian Government Department of Agriculture Tropical plant pests. Plant pathology: microscopy, serology and molecular (conventional and real time PCR). Entomology: microscopy and limited molecular capacity. Botany: microscopy. Not accredited Plant pathology: herbarium specimens and desiccated virus / virus-like disease collections. Extensive insect and herbarium collections.
Museum and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory (MAGNT), Department of Arts and Museums (DAM), Darwin Department of Arts and Museums Insect identification for general public and commercial purposes Registration for exchange (export and import) of scientific specimens Insects with a focus on native species
Entomologist/Conservation Biologist, Flora and Fauna Department of Arts and Museums Lepidoptera, particularly butterflies.
CSIRO Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre, Darwin CSIRO Ant identification for general public and biosecurity purposes Not accredited Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre (TERC) ant collection


Sugar Research Australia, Indooroopilly, Woodford, Mackay, and Tully Sugar Research Australia Sugarcane pests and diseases
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Eagle Farm Australian Government Department of Agriculture Temperate and tropical plant pests. Plant pathology: microscopy and molecular (conventional PCR). Entomology: microscopy and limited molecular capacity. Limited plant pathogen and insect collections
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Applethorpe Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Entomology
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ayr Research Station, Ayr Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Entomology, horticulture
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Cairns Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Exotic fruit fly screening, entomology, plant pathology triage Entomology
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Centre for Tropical Agriculture, Mareeba Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Entomology, molecular, bacteriology Entomology
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ecosciences Precinct, Dutton Park Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Molecular, entomology, virology, bacteriology, mycology and nematology Plant pathology, entomology
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Gatton Research Station, Gatton Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Vegetable pests and diseases
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Maroochy Research Station, Nambour Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Entomology, horticulture
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Forestry South Johnstone Research Station, South Johnstone Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Nematology, entomology, plant pathology
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Toowoomba Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Field crop pests and diseases, molecular, entomology, virology, nematology, and mycology
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Biosecurity Queensland Control Centre, Oxley Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Myrtle rust ( Puccinia psidii ) diagnosis Puccinia psidii
Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy Regional Laboratory, Cairns Australian Government Department of Agriculture Tropical plant pests. Plant pathology: microscopy, serology and molecular (conventional and real time PCR). Entomology: microscopy and limited molecular capacity. Botany: microscopy. Plant pathology: herbarium specimens and desiccated virus / virus-like disease collections. Extensive insect and herbarium collections.
Queensland Museum, Brisbane Queensland Museum Entomology
University of Queensland, Brisbane University of Queensland Entomology

South Australia

School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Adelaide University of Adelaide Entomology
South Australian Museum, Adelaide Department of Premier and Cabinet Entomology
South Australian Research and Development Institution (SARDI), Adelaide South Australian Research and Development Institution Molecular diagnostic, plant pathology (mycology, nematology, virology, taxonomy), entomology and surveillance Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is NATA accredited under Biologicals. NATA accredited for potato virus testing. Entomology collection, Adelaide University
Waite Institute, Adelaide University of Adelaide Nematology and viticulture virology


Forestry Tasmania, Hobart Forestry Tasmania Limited diagnostics in pathology, main focus is on testing for Phytophthora cinnamomi Tasmanian forest insect collection
Peracto, Devonport Peracto Plant pathology Laboratory Department of Agriculture Biosecurity approved
Plant Health Laboratories, New Town (satellite entomology laboratories at Devonport and Launceston) Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) Entomology, plant pathology (virology, mycology and bacteriology), TASAG ELISA testing services (virology) Laboratories Department of Agriculture Biosecurity approved, TASAG laboratories have NATA accreditation (ISO/IEC 17025:2005) Insect reference collection
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (QVMAG), Launceston Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery Insect identification for the general public Invertebrate reference collection covering most groups including insects.
Seed Analysis Laboratory, Mt Pleasant Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Feed grain quarantine assessments for declared species. ISTA accredited Prohibited and quarantinable species seed reference collection
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG), Hobart Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Entomology (specialising in beetles and moths), insect identification for the general public. Small insect reference collection, herbarium including weeds and fungi
University of Tasmania Cradle Coast Campus, Burnie University of Tasmania (UTAS) and Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) Plant pathology, nematology Limited collection of fungal pathogens
University of Tasmania Sandy Bay Campus, Hobart University of Tasmania (UTAS) and Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) Entomology, forest pathology, molecular laboratory Laboratory Department of Agriculture Biosecurity approved


Forest Health Laboratory, Heidelberg University of Melbourne Forest pathology and entomology
Horsham Research Centre, Horsham Victoria Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources General plant pathology and virology (grains focus)
Irymple Research Centre, Irymple Victoria Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources General plant pathology and entomology
Operational Science Laboratory, Tullamarine Airport Australian Government Department of Agriculture Entomology and plant pathology
Plant Quarantine Centre, Knoxfield Australian Government Department of Agriculture General plant pathology
Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne Mycology and weeds
Rutherglen Research Centre, Rutherglen Victoria Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources Entomology
AgriBio, Bundoora Victoria Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources Entomology, mycology, virology, nematology, bacteriology, general plant pathology, fungal and insect taxonomy, high throughput molecular diagnostics, weeds Department of Agriculture Biosecurity approved AS/NSZ 9001:2000/QA certification Fungal, bacterial, nematode, invertebrates, limited virus
Tatura Research Centre, Tatura Victoria Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources Entomology

Western Australia

AGWEST Plant Laboratories, Perth Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia Commercial diagnostic laboratory for plant pathogen identification, entomology, nematology, virology, bacteriology, mycology
Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Crop Protection Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia Broadacre field pathology, virology and nematology on broadacre and horticultural crops.
Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Entomology Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia Entomology of broadacre and horticultural crops. DAFWA Insect Reference Collection, Perth
Department of Environmental Biology, Perth Curtin University of Technology Mycology
Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy, Broome Australian Government Department of Agriculture Identification of quarantine intercept samples, mostly exotic pests Small reference collection, mostly exotic invertebrates
Operational Science Department of Agriculture, Perth International Airport Australian Government Department of Agriculture Identification of quarantine intercept samples, mostly exotic pests including arthropods, fungi, bacteria and viruses Department of Agriculture Biosecurity accredited quarantine Containment 5.2/7.2 Small reference collection, mostly exotic invertebrates with a limited collection of seed and cultures
Phytophthora Laboratory, Murdoch Murdoch University Commercial and research Phytophthora diagnostic laboratory
Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Quarantine Plant Pathology Laboratory, Perth Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia Biosecurity and emergency plant pest identifications Western Australian plant pathogen collection: fungal, bacterial and viral
Saturn Biotech, Murdoch Murdoch University Commercial molecular biology laboratory for plant pathogen identification
Western Australian Museum, Kewdale Western Australian Museum Insect identification for general public Largest insect collection in WA