The tenth Annual Diagnosticians’ Workshop (ADW) for members of the National Plant Biosecurity Diagnostics Network (NPBDN) will be held 17 and 18 August 2021. Exact venue to be confirmed but will be in Canberra.
The ADW2021 theme is “Diagnostics in a climate of change”. One clear change context we will explore is COVID-19 – how has the pandemic changed your workplace? What are the challenges, what strategies and technologies have helped in overcoming obstacles? Another context is climate variability – how has diagnostics and your understanding of plant pests changed with climatic variation and extension of geographic/host ranges? We’d also like to discuss other topics that generally (or creatively) fit into the theme of ‘a climate of change’.
The ADW provides the opportunity for participants to formally and informally meet and network with their peers, exchange tips and techniques, share knowledge and find out what other diagnosticians are doing and experiencing in their jobs.
The ADW is open to all NPBDN members. Final numbers at all events may be limited, depending on interest, and a balance of attendees from across the NPBDN will be sought.
The ADW will be conforming to current Covid-safe practises.
Call for Abstracts
NPBDN members have the opportunity to present either of the following options:
The call for abstracts is now open to all NPBDN members. These should be a maximum of 300 words (not including title, authors or organisations), and should be submitted to by 11 June 2021. The organising committee will review the summaries and inform presenters of the outcome by 2 July 2021. The organising committee is keen to receive submissions from the spectrum of NPBDN members and virtual speaking allocations may be considered.
IMPORTANTLY, given current times we need to establish number of ‘in person’ attendees very quickly. Can you please advise by emailing by COB 4 June 2021 whether you will be attending in person or virtually. Please also provide an indicative date by which you know you will be able to have the appropriate permission, if attending in person.
4 June 2021- advise whether you will be attending in person or virtually
11 June 2021- abstracts due
2 July 2021- speakers will be confirmed
17-18- August 2021- ADW2021 held