Expressions of interest are sought for a diagnostics workshop on stink bugs and related species of Pentatomoidea.
This five-day practical workshop will have specialists in stink bug identification presenting advanced morphological identification techniques focusing on the groups and species of economic concern to Australia, and on differentiation of Australian native taxa. The workshop will include the use of reference specimens, participant material and a suite of other resources. Overviews of stink bug higher classification, incursion histories, dissection techniques, and rapid identification technologies will also be provided.
The training will equip participants with skills in identifying stink bugs that are likely to be detected at first points of entry or captured during surveillance activities.
Requirements of participants are an undergraduate degree in entomology/zoology or at least six months experience in an entomological laboratory and preferably knowledge in entomological taxonomy.
Applications are only open to National Plant Biosecurity Diagnostician’s Network (NPBDN) members. To access full details, log into the Portal and go to ‘Development Events’ tab in the menu. If you are interested in attending but are not a member join the network join free right now!
Applications close COB 13 December 2019.
Please note that there are very limited places for this workshop. The NBPDN will aim to achieve the most suitable representation across jurisdictions and organisations.