Dr Paul Fourie of Stellenbosch University and Citrus Research International is visiting Mildura on the week of 7 March 2023 to attend the upcoming citrus Market Outlook Forum and meeting of the Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Committee. This information session is a chance for Australian biosecurity personnel to learn about the Citrus Improvement Scheme in South Africa, as well planning that has taken place to reduce the impact of Asian citrus psyllid and Huanglongbing.
TOPIC: HLB action planning and citrus health in South Africa
Flier: Information session – Dr Paul Fourie South African citrus biosecurity
Date: Tuesday 7 March
Time: 10am-11am AEDT
Speaker: Dr Paul Fourie, Citrus Research International
Please join us on Zoom to participate in the session.
About Dr Fourie
After obtaining a B.Sc.Agric. (Plant Pathology and Genetics) at University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, Paul Fourie obtained BSc.Hons., MSc.Agric and PhD(Agric) degrees in Plant Pathology from Stellenbosch University in South Africa. He started his professional career as a grapevine pathologist, and from 2007 as a citrus pathologist. He is currently the manager of the Southern African Citrus Improvement Scheme (SACIS) at Citrus Research International (CRI), the research and technology service provider to the southern African citrus industry. The SACIS is the primary citrus propagation material source in Southern Africa and >80% of SA’s rootstock seed and >95% of budwood is supplied from its Citrus Foundation Block outside Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape province to certified nurseries and growers. As plant pathology researcher he is associated with Stellenbosch University’s Plant Pathology department as extraordinary professor. His research focuses on fungicide application technology in citrus orchards and packhouses and Citrus Black Spot epidemiology.