Tuesday 13 March – Friday 16 March 2018, Orange, NSW
The workshop will provide participants with a series of hands-on and theoretical sessions introducing them to the collection, preservation and morphological and molecular identification (theoretical only) of important groups of Membracoidea, Fulgoroidea and Cercopoidea.
Please download the workshop flyer for detailed information regarding the content and agenda.
Presenters include Murray Fletcher (NSW DPI), Linda Semeraro (Agriculture Victoria), Melinda Moir (DPIRD WA), Glenn Bellis (DAWR), Birgit Loecker (NSW DPI) & Mark Blacket (Agriculture Victoria).
Please note, participant’s organisations are expected to pay for travel to and from the workshop, accommodation, and expenses or allowances accumulated during the workshop. For diagnosticians from northern jurisdictions, there is the potential to apply for funding assistance from the Modern Diagnostics white paper. More information in the flyer.
Application to attend should be emailed to sphd@agriculture.gov.au by 9 February 2018.